About mediabuzz.org

We The Media People

We focus on things that are important for all of us like Media Cataloguing, Media Bias Fact-Check, Responsible Media Consumption, Media Freedom and Democracy, Technology Innovation, and Media Entrepreneurship

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Our Goals

Media Cataloguing

Mediabuzz partners with journalists & writers across the globe to develop a media cataloguing platform for researchers, individuals, students and journalists. Our readers can access every information about the media organizations including their history, evolution, circulation and information about their various publications for free. 

Media Bias Fact-Check

Press being a medium with tremendous power in shaping the socio-political atmosphere of a country makes it a double-edged sword. In an era where everything can be bought, we want our readers to be aware of the political bias of the media organizations. We believe that it be an effective check on the media organizations to ensure that they don’t stray away from the fair & ethical practices of journalism.

Responsible Media Consumption

Owing to the digital revolution online media platforms have sprouted out in the field where only the traditional media were thriving. The competition among the publishers to retain readers and maximize profits did pave the way to new business models & strategies. Here at Mediabuzz, we strive towards creating awareness among people and to bring about a paradigm shift towards responsible media consumption.

Media Freedom & Democracy

Liberty of the press is considered to be the nature of a free state and a reflection of its democratically elected government. We believe that public debates and criticism of a democratically elected government encouraged by diverse and pluralist media are essential checks on power. Here at Mediabuzz, we analyse the history of the media freedom in a country and its evolution over the years.

Technology Innovation

In the 21st century where technology and media industry are virtually inseparable, we believe that it is not yet democratized. Most media industries are still reluctant toward embracing the technological advancement that is happening in the industry. It is this gap between the traditional and modern-day practices we aspire to bridge. Our team of experts look forward to helping the media industry seamlessly incorporate the most advanced technologies in every stage of the process starting from designing to printing and marketing.

Media Learning

The media scene across the globe is rapidly evolving at a pace that most media professionals are finding it hard to cope up with it. Here at mediabuzz, we look forward to helping the media professionals keep themselves updated at every point in time. We aspire to achieve this goal by transforming mediabuzz as a platform for media professionals across the globe to network and interact among themselves.

Media Entrepreneurship

With the expertise gained over the years in the media and allied industry, we look forward to helping budding entrepreneurs to be successful in the media industry. With a pool of experienced resources, we are capable of providing bespoke solutions to budding entrepreneurs.

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