New Hampshire newspapers and New Hampshire newspaper list

Introduction to New Hampshire News Media

New Hampshire is a state in the New England region of the United States. Massachusetts borders it to the south, Vermont to the west, Maine and the Atlantic Ocean to the east, and the Canadian province of Quebec to the north.

With a population of 1,359,711 (as of 2019), New Hampshire is a significant market for more than 150 newspapers and news websites.

History of Newspapers in New Hampshire

Though Settlements started forming in New Hampshire by 1623, no printing activities were done there. All of the printed material arrived from Boston until Daniel Fowles arrived in New Hampshire in 1756.

Daniel Fowles was the first person to set up a press in New Hampshire in 1756, 32 years before it would officially be annexed to the union. New Hampshire has had a rich & diverse history with newspapers.  

The first newspaper in the state, New Hampshire Gazette, is currently the oldest paper in circulation in the country.

First Press In New Hampshire

The first press in New Hampshire was established in 1756 by Daniel Fowles. Daniel Fowles was an established printer from Boston, Massachusetts, credited with publishing the American Magazine and Historical Chronicle and The Independent Advertiser in Boston.

Daniel Fowles later went on to publish the first newspaper in the colony of New Hampshire.

First Newspaper in New Hampshire

The first newspaper published in New Hampshire was the New Hampshire Gazette. It was launched in 1757 by Daniel Fowles, and it was the only newspaper in the colony of New Hampshire. It is important to note that the New Hampshire Gazette was the only newspaper in the colony during the beginning of the American Revolution.

Contrary to the other early newspapers, New Hampshire Gazette quickly gained popularity. The paper remained in circulation ever after Daniel Fowles died in 1787. In 1839 it was declared the oldest newspaper in America after the Maryland Gazette ceased publication

Early Newspapers in New Hampshire

The second newspaper to be published in New Hampshire was the Mercury & Weekly Advertiser. It was published by Primus, who was Daniel Fowles’s assistant.

Mercury & Weekly Advertiser was launched in 1758 as a competitor to New Hampshire Gazette. It was a weekly publication and was short-lived. The paper had to cease its operations in 1759, and New Hampshire Gazette continued to be the only newspaper in the region.

The other contemporary newspapers were The Weekly Enterprise (1878), American Patriot (1808), Christmas News Boy (1898), Daily Patriot (1850), Independent Democrat (1859), etc.

As of 2020, more than 150 newspapers & news websites are published in New Hampshire. This article will look at some of the top newspapers & news websites and discuss some interesting information about them.

Are you looking for information on US Newspapers? Read the article written by our experts in American Journalism.


WMUR 9 is VHF digital television channel station in Manchester, New Hampshire. Hearst Television owns the channel, and it is the only New Hampshire-based television station with a news operation.


The channel first went on air on March 28th, 1954, and it was the first television channel in the state. When first launched, the channel aired daily newscasts, local game shows, and movies.

Over the years, the channel underwent a series of mergers and acquisitions until Hearst Television acquired the channel in 2000. As of 2020, the channel airs 30½ hours of locally produced newscasts each week.

WMUR 9 is known for the news magazine series named the New Hampshire Chronicle that is aired at 7 pm on weekdays.

Online News Website

Apart from the television station, WMUR 9 also hosts an online news portal. The portal covers all of local, national & international news and updates. There are dedicated sections on the website for local news, national news, weather updates, investigative journalism, sports, entertainment, traffic, and more.

Every content on the website, including the image & video contents, is available to the users for free.

Social Media Presence

WMUR 9 also has an active presence on various social media platforms such as Facebook & Twitter. Readers also follow their social media pages for regular updates.

Newhampshire News Online

Newhampshire News Android App

Newhampshire News iOS App

New Hampshire Union Leader

New Hampshire Union Leader is a daily newspaper in Manchester, New Hampshire. It is the state’s largest and the only newspaper to be circulated across the state.

The paper was first launched in 1863 as the Manchester Union Leader. Over the years, the paper has undergone several mergers, acquisitions, and buyouts before being named the New Hampshire Union Leader on April 4th, 2005.

As of 2020, both the printed edition and the online news portal covers all facets of news & updates from the length and breadth of the state.  New Hampshire Union Leader also publishes an e-edition of the paper that can be accessed by paid subscribers from the paper’s official website.

New Hampshire Union Leader Online

New Hampshire Union Leader ePaper

New Hampshire Union Leader Android App

New Hampshire Union Leader iOS App

Portsmouth Herald

Portsmouth Herald is a daily newspaper in New Hampshire. The paper primarily caters to the readers in greater Portsmouth, Greenland, New Castle, Newington and Rye in New Hampshire and Eliot, Kittery, Kittery Point, and South Berwick in Maine.

The paper was first launched on September 23rd, 1884, as The Penny Post. Over the years, the paper underwent a series of mergers and acquisitions until Gannet bought the newspaper in 1989.

The newspaper and its printed edition cover news and updates from the Portsmouth area and the surrounding New Hampshire Seacoast region. Portsmouth Herald also publishes an e-edition of the paper that can be accessed by paid subscribers from the paper’s official website

Portsmouth Herald Online

Portsmouth Herald ePaper

Portsmouth Herald Android App

Portsmouth Herald iOS App

Exeter News-letter

Exeter News-letter is a bi-weekly newspaper in New Hampshire serving Rockingham county. The paper is circulated on Fridays & Tuesdays and covers Brentwood, East Kingston, Epping, Exeter, Kensington, Newfields, Newmarket, South Hampton, and Stratham.

Apart from the printed edition of the newspaper, Exeter News-letter also hosts an online news website. There are dedicated sections on the website for local, community, state, national & international news, sports, business, arts and entertainment, jobs, and more.

Exeter News-letter also publishes an e-edition of the paper that can be accessed by paid subscribers from the paper’s official website.

Exeter News-letter Online

Exeter News-letter ePaper

Exeter News-letter Android App

Exeter News-letter iOS App

The Hampton Union 

The Hampton Union is a bi-weekly community newspaper mainly serving the residents of Hampton, New Hampshire.

The paper was first launched in 1899 and had since been covering news and updates from the towns of Hampton, Hampton Falls, North Hampton, and Seabrook.

Apart from the bi-weekly printed edition, they also host an online news website that is frequently updated. They also publish an e-edition access to which is restricted to paid subscribers.

The Hampton Union (Hampton) Online

The Hampton Union (Hampton) ePaper

The Hampton Union (Hampton) Android App

The Hampton Union (Hampton) iOS App

York Weekly

As the name suggests, York Weekly is a weekly newspaper in New Hampshire that is published on Wednesdays. The paper was first launched in 1824 and has since remained weekly, covering news & updates from York, New Hampshire.

York Weekly also hosts an online news website that is frequently updated, unlike the weekly printed edition. Paid subscribers can also access the e-edition of the newspaper from the website.

Portsmouth York Weekly Online

Portsmouth York Weekly ePaper

Portsmouth York Weekly Android App

Portsmouth York Weekly iOS App

Portsmouth Herald

Portsmouth Herald is a daily newspaper in New Hampshire, serving the greater Portsmouth region and parts of Maine. The newspaper primarily covers news & updates from the municipalities of

  • Greenland
  • New Castle
  • Newington
  • Rye
  • Eliot
  • Kittery
  • Kittery Point
  • South Berwick

Portsmouth Herald was first launched as The Penny Post in 1884. Over the years, the paper has undergone a series of mergers and acquisitions until Gannet acquired the paper in 2013.

The paper also hosts an online news website that is frequently updated with the latest news, updates & headlines. They also publish an e-edition of the paper, access to which is restricted to paid subscribers.

Portsmouth Herald Online

Portsmouth Herald ePaper

Portsmouth Herald Android App

Portsmouth Herald iOS App

Concord Monitor

Concord Monitor is a daily newspaper in New Hampshire, serving the capital city of Concord. It is an independent newspaper whose history can be traced back 1809 to its predecessor, The New Hampshire Patriot.

The paper was renamed Concord Monitor in 1864 and has since undergone a series of name & ownership changes. As of 2020, the newspaper is owned by the private publisher Newspapers of New England.

Other than the printed edition of the paper, they also host an online news website. While most contents on the website are available to the users for free, access to the paper’s e-edition is restricted to paid subscribers.

Concord Monitor Online

Concord Monitor ePaper

Concord Monitor Android App

Concord Monitor iOS App

Foster’s Daily Democrat

Foster’s Daily Democrat is a daily newspaper in New Hampshire covering southeast New Hampshire and southwest Maine.

The paper was first launched in 1873 by Joshua L. Foster as a pro-slavery publication. Over the years, the paper has undergone several mergers and acquisitions until Gannet acquired the paper in 2014.

Apart from the daily printed edition, the paper hosts an online news website and publishes an e-edition.

Foster’s Daily Democrat Online

Foster’s Daily Democrat ePaper

Foster’s Daily Democrat Android App

Foster’s Daily Democrat iOS App

Rochester News

Rochester News is a weekly newspaper in New Hampshire serving Rochester city and its surroundings. The paper was first launched in 1923 and had since been covering local news, sports, and entertainment from Rochester and surrounding communities.

Apart from the weekly printed edition, Rochester News also hosts an online website. Unlike the printed edition, the online news portal is frequently updated with the latest news & Headlines. They also publish an e-edition of the paper that can be accessed by paid subscribers from the paper’s official website.

Rochester News Online

Rochester News iOS App

Somersworth News 

Somersworth News is an online news portal owned and published by the Foster’s Daily Democrat. It is, in fact, a dedicated section on the Foster’s Daily Democrat‘s website explicitly covering news and updates from Somersworth in New Hampshire.

Somersworth News Online

Somersworth News iOS App

The Eagle-Tribune

The Eagle-Tribune is a daily newspaper in Massachusetts covering Essex County in Massachusetts and southern New Hampshire. The paper was first launched in 1868 as the Lawrence Daily Eagle and has since been circulated in Essex County & southern New Hampshire.

As of 2020, the paper is owned and operated by Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. Apart from the daily printed edition, Community Newspaper Holdings also hosts an online news portal. There are dedicated sections on the website for different categories of news. Paid subscribers can also access the e-edition of the paper from the website.

The Eagle-Tribune Online

The Eagle-Tribune ePaper

The Eagle-Tribune iOS App

The Keene Sentinel

The Keene Sentinel is a daily newspaper in New Hampshire serving the city of Keene and the surrounding communities. The paper was first launched in 1799 and is the 5th oldest continuously published newspaper in the United States.

Apart from the daily edition, the paper also publishes a Weekend Edition and an e-edition. Paid subscribers can access the e-edition of the paper from their official website.

The Keene Sentinel Online

The Telegraph 

The Telegraph was a daily newspaper in New Hampshire that primarily served the city of Nashua & its surrounding communities.  The paper was first launched on October 20th, 1832, as the New-Hampshire Telegraph and has since remained a daily publication.

Following a sharp decline in revenue, The Telegraph decided to reduce its print run to once a week and the paper mostly moved online. The paper’s online news portal is frequently updated with the latest news and updates. Paid subscribers can access the e-edition of the paper from their official website.

The Telegraph Online

The Telegraph ePaper

The Telegraph Android App

The Telegraph iOS App

Valley News

Valley News is a daily newspaper in Lebanon, New Hampshire, covering the Upper Valley region of New Hampshire and Vermont. The paper was first launched in 1952, and as of 2020, it is owned by the Newspapers of New England.

The printed edition of the paper and its online news portal is primarily focused on reporting news and updates from Vermont & New Hampshire. Valley News also publishes an e-edition of the paper that can be accessed by paid subscribers.

Valley News Online

Valley News ePaper

Valley News Android App

Valley News iOS App

Monadnock Ledger-Transcript

Monadnock Ledger-Transcript is a twice-weekly newspaper in New Hampshire, serving the Monadnock region.  The paper first hit the newsstands in 2006 following the merger of Monadnock Ledger & Peterborough Transcript.

Apart from the weekly printed edition, Monadnock Ledger-Transcript also hosts an online website that is frequently updated with the latest news & Headlines. They also publish an e-edition of the paper that can be accessed by paid subscribers from the paper’s official website.

Monadnock Ledger-Transcript Online

Monadnock Ledger-Transcript ePaper

Monadnock Ledger-Transcript Android App

Monadnock Ledger-Transcript iOS App

The Dartmouth 

The Dartmouth is a student newspaper published by the students at Dartmouth College in New Hampshire. The paper was first launched in 1799 as the Dartmouth Gazette and was later renamed The Dartmouth. 

Apart from the daily edition, they also publish two weekly supplements, Big Green Sports Weekly on Mondays and The Dartmouth Mirror, on Wednesdays. The paper also maintains a blog named the DartBeat, which is popular inside the campus.

The Dartmouth also hosts an online news portal with dedicated sections for news, opinion, sports, arts, entertainment & more

The Dartmouth Online

Manchester Ink Link 

Manchester Ink Link is an online news portal that was first launched in 2014. The newspaper is run by the students of the Manchester High School Central. The paper also has an active presence on Facebook & Twitter.

Manchester Ink Link Online

Laconia Daily Sun

Laconia Daily Sun is a daily newspaper published five days a week in New Hampshire. The paper first hit the newsstands in 2000 and has since been covering Belknap County and the Lakes Region. Apart from the printed edition of the paper, they also host an online website. 

Laconia Daily Sun Online

Laconia Daily Sun ePaper

The Conway Daily Sun

The Conway Daily Sun is a free daily newspaper in North Conway, New Hampshire, covering the Mount Washington Valley. The paper was established in 1989 and has, over the years, become a prominent newspaper in the region.

Readers can also access the online news portal and the e-edition of the paper for free.

The Conway Daily Sun Online

The Conway Daily Sun ePaper

The Berlin Daily Sun

The Berlin Daily Sun is a free bi-weekly newspaper published on Tuesdays & Thursdays in the city of Berlin, New Hampshire. The paper was first launched in 1992 as a daily newspaper under the title The Berlin Daily Sun. It was because of the dwindling advertising revenue the print run was reduced to two days a week.

The Berlin Daily Sun Online

The Berlin Daily Sun ePaper

The New Hampshire Business Review

The New Hampshire Business Review is a bi-monthly publication based in Manchester. As the name suggests, the publication is primarily focused on covering news & updates on the business sector of New Hampshire.

Apart from the bi-monthly printed edition, they also host an online news website. The website is frequently updated with the latest news & headlines on the business sector of New Hampshire.

The New Hampshire Business Review Online

Valley Advocate 

The Valley Advocate is a weekly newspaper in Pioneer Valley, New Hampshire owned by Newspapers of New England, Inc. The paper was first launched in the 1980s and had since been covering news & updates from Pioneer Valley.

Valley Advocate Online

Valley Advocate ePaper

The Eagle Times 

The Eagle Times is a daily newspaper in New Hampshire serving the Connecticut River Valley & Vermont. The paper was first launched in 1970 and is currently owned by the Sample News Group.

Apart from the daily edition, they also publish an online news website & an e-edition of the paper.

The Eagle Times Online

The Eagle Times ePaper

Carriage Towne News

Carriage Towne News is a direct-mailed free weekly publication in New Hampshire. The paper is a prominent local newspaper covering most of Rockingham County, as far as Raymond.

Kingston Carriage Towne News Online


The newspapers & news websites mentioned in the article are the prominent ones that are currently circulated in New Hampshire. Though New Hampshire is a state with rich journalism history, most of the printed newspapers are in dire straits today.

Newspapers in New Hampshire are struggling to keep their businesses afloat. It is estimated that the total circulation of dailies and weeklies in the US declined to about 70 million from 122 million since 2004.

To stay afloat, many of the newspapers in New Hampshire have significantly reduced their print run and have shifted to digital publishing.  While some turned to digital mediums, others are either forced to merge with their peers or cease their operations.

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  • What are the top three newspapers in New Hampshire?
  • How do you think the local newspapers are doing in New Hampshire?
  • How has the Covid-19 Pandemic hit the newspaper business in New Hampshire?
  • Did we miss any deserving newspaper or news website?
  • Are there any newspapers in New Hampshire exclusively for business, entertainment, and sports news?
  • Which newspaper do you read from the above list?
  • Which is the best community newspaper in New Hampshire?
  • Do you have any other information for us related to newspapers in New Hampshire?
  • Is there any particular newspaper that caught your attention?

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