Brooklyn newspapers and Brooklyn newspaper list

Introduction to Brooklyn News Media.

Brooklyn is the most populous county of New York city in the United States. According to the NYC Open Data, as many as 2,648,403 residents were estimated in Brooklyn in 2020. Brooklyn shares a border with Queens and has numerous bridges that connect with Manhattan and Staten Island. Entrepreneurship, technology start-ups, design and postmodern art are among the booming industries of Brooklyn.

Media in Brooklyn

Newspapers are the main source of news for people in Brooklyn. The Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Brooklyn View, Bay Currents (Oceanfront Brooklyn), The Brooklyn Paper and Courier-Life Publications are among the most popular local newspapers of the county. Rupert Murdoch’s News Corporation owns Courier-Life Publications, while prominent New York newspapers like The New York Times, New York Post and New York Daily News are easily available in Brooklyn.

Brooklyn Rail is a monthly publication that covers news related to politics and arts, while Cabinet serves the same genre of news on a quarterly basis. Hello Mr. is another popular publication of Brooklyn. To serve the magazine readers, Brooklyn Magazine operates in the town. BKLYN Magazine, The Brooklynite, Brooklyn Bridge Magazine and NRG were other popular glossy magazines though all are defunct now.

History of Brooklyn Newspapers

The Brooklyn Daily Eagle and Kings County Democrat is the first recorded newspaper of the town as it was started on June 1, 1846. Brooklyn also saw the establishment of El Diario La Prensa, the country’s oldest surviving Spanish language newspaper. The headquarters of El Diario La Prensa is located at 1 MetroTech Center. Brooklyn-Queens Catholic paper titled “The Tablet” and Orthodox Jewish newspaper The Jewish Press are among other ethnic publications of Brooklyn.

More than 60 ethnic groups publish more than 300 non-English language newspapers and magazines, in over 42 languages, in Brooklyn. Quarterly magazine “L’Idea” comes in bilingual text — Italian and English — in Brooklyn since 1974. The Daily Gleaner and The Star of Jamaica are among the foreign newspapers circulated in Brooklyn.

Brooklyn newspapers and websites’ list

Here below we present you a list of some of the most prominent newspapers and websites operating in Brooklyn. With this list of prominent Brooklyn newspapers and other publications, we have tried to explain the origin, operations, status and relevance of these Brooklyn based mediahouses.

The Jewish Press

The Jewish Press is a Brooklyn based newspaper that publishes on a weekly basis to serve the Modern Orthodox Jewish community living in New York. In the About Us section, The Jewish Press calls itself the “America’s Largest Independent Jewish Weekly”.


The Jewish Press also has news website, which enjoys a readership of two million views every month, according to Haaretz. News & Views, Indepth, Blogs, Judaism, Sections, Radio and Cartoons are among the sections of news on the website.

One can read the e-paper of The Jewish Press on its website and follow it on Facebook and Twitter for regular news updates.

The Jewish Press Online

The Jewish Press ePaper

Brooklyn Eagle

The Brooklyn Eagle was a Brooklyn based newspaper that currently operates as a news website only. Published from 1841 to 1955, the afternoon newspaper was earlier known as “The Brooklyn Eagle and Kings County Democrat” and “The Brooklyn Daily Eagle”.

The Brooklyn Eagle claims to have enjoyed the largest daily circulation in the United States once upon a time. The 19th-century legendary poet, Walt Whitman, was the editor of the newspaper for two years.

Brooklyn Eagle Online

Brooklyn Eagle ePaper

The Brooklyn Paper

Brooklyn Paper is a weekly regional newspaper of New York. With primary focus on news and culture of the borough of Brooklyn, Brooklyn Paper serves readers from Park Slope, Bay Ridge and Brooklyn Heights. However, the newspaper uses different mastheads for different regions.

GO Brooklyn is a weekly entertainment magazine that is published by Brooklyn Paper. The first issue of the newspaper was published in 1978.

The Brooklyn Paper Online

The Tablet

The Tablet is a newspaper published by New York’s religious organization, Diocese of Brooklyn. Besides Brooklyn, the newspaper also serves the readers based in Queens. The first issue of the newspaper was published in 1908. DeSales Media Group, Inc. owns and operates The Tablet.

The Tablet Online

The Tablet ePaper

Haïti Progrès

Haïti Progrès is a Brooklyn based newspaper that publishes on a weekly basis for the coverage of all news related to Haiti. The first issue of the newspaper was published in 1983. With headquarters in Brooklyn, Haïti Progrès has a regional office in Port-au-Prince. In print, the main edition of Haïti Progrès is published in the French language along with editions in English and Haitian Creole.

Haïti Progrès Online


Brooklyn has a limited number of newspapers operating as of now but the news website business has grown significantly in the borough. Vice Media is the biggest of all the five online media portals that make Brooklyn a hub of media. Mindbodygreen is another popular website that publishes articles on lifestyle and health. Business website Civil, news website Slate and Gimlet Media are among other popular online media brands operating in Brroklyn.

Prominent Papers

The Brooklyn Daily Eagle is the most read newspaper of the borough. Bay Currents of Oceanfront Brooklyn, The Brooklyn Paper, Brooklyn View and Courier-Life Publications are other prominent newspapers that serve the readers in Brooklyn. News Corporation of Rupert Murdoch owns Courier-Life Publications, which is the largest newspapers chain in Brooklyn.

Top state papers like The New York Times, New York Post and New York Daily News are easily available in Brooklyn. Brooklyn Rail is a monthly magazine that covers all news related to arts and politics to serve the magazine readers of the borough. Quarterly magazine Cabinet and Hello Mr. are other popular magazines of Brooklyn.

Defunct Papers

Brooklyn Times-Union, Brooklyn Citizen and The City Sun are some of the most prominent Brooklyn based newspapers that are no longer in print publication. The ongoing coronavirus pandemic has also hit the media industry in Brooklyn, as much as any other city of the United States. Many of the newspapers now operate as website only.

While the propelling industry knows no bounds, we at MediaBuzz are working hard to provide encyclopedic coverage of all the news sources. We are a team of professional writers with a knack for the trends in the world of journalism.

We are always looking for suggestions to produce a more concise list.  

Please help us with your answers for the below questions in the comment section.

How many newspaper do we have in Brooklyn?

Which Brooklyn newspaper is best with no bias?

Who controls the media in Brooklyn?

What is the oldest existing English language newspaper in Brooklyn?

What are the different newspapers in Brooklyn?

What is the best Brooklyn news website?

Did we miss any deserving newspaper or news website?

What are your views on the political inclinations of different Brooklyn newspapers?

What are the best Brooklyn newspapers for business, entertainment and sports news?

Is there any particular Brooklyn newspaper that caught your attention?

Do you have any other information related to Brooklyn tabloids?

Important Note:

We are always looking for people with a background in media/journalism/mass communication to contribute more articles for us. If you are an expert in the Brooklyn media industry, we would like you to help us make this article better.

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