Kansas City newspapers and Kansas City newspaper list

Kansas City is the most populated city of the US state of Missouri with an estimated population of 495,327 in 2019. In the 1830s, Kansas City was founded as a port of the Missouri River because of its junction with the Kansas River on the western side. Kansas was incorporated as a town on June 1, 1850. However, the city was later titled Kansas City to distinguish it from the town.

Media in Kansas City

Newspapers are the primary source of news in Kansas City. The Kansas City Star is the most read newspaper in the city. The evening newspaper was started by William Rockhill Nelson and Samuel Morss on September 18, 1880. Until 1901, The Kansas City Star competed with a morning paper called Kansas City Times before acquiring its business operations. In March 1990, the publishers discontinued the “Times” title in the morning newspaper and renamed it the “Star”.

Ethnic Publications

The Call is the most popular weekly newspaper in the city. It serves the African-American community residing in Kansas City. For the coverage of business news, The Kansas City Business Journal operates in the city. Ink, The Pitch, and bilingual publications KC Hispanic News and Dos Mundos are other ethnic newspapers of Kansas City.

For the Christian community readers, the city has The Kansas City Metro Voice, while Kansas City Jewish Chronicle serves the Jewish community. A Catholic newspaper, National Catholic Reporter, also has its headquarters in Kansas City.

History of Kansas City Newspapers

The oldest newspaper of Kansas City is the Kansas City Journal-Post. Started as a weekly publication under the title “The Kansas City Enterprise” on September 23, 1854, the daily newspaper was published until March 31, 1942. The Kansas City Journal-Post had competed with The Star until its last day of publication.

The Kansas City Star

The Kansas City Star is an award-winning daily newspaper in Kansas City owned by McClatchy. The paper was established in the 1880s and has since been catering to the readers in Kansas City and across the state with news on critical local issues & in-depth coverage.


The history of the paper can be traced back to 1880 when it was established by William Rockhill Nelson and Samuel E. Morss as The Kansas City Evening Star. The following years saw Morss leaving the partnership owing to poor health & Nelson became the sole owner of the papers.

By 1882 Nelson bought one of The Kansas City Evening Star’s prominent competitors Kansas City Evening Mail and later merged them and renamed it The Kansas City Star in 1885.

What do they publish?

  • A daily printed edition of the paper serving the readers in Kansas City & its surroundings. As per the readership survey of 2018, the paper had a daily circulation of 76,853 copies and 118,203 copies on Sundays.
  • A news website with dedicated sections for news, sports, politics, entertainment, opinion, and more.
  • An e-edition of the paper the access to which is restricted to paid subscribers.

The Kansas City Star Online

The Kansas City Star ePaper

The Kansas City Star Android App

The Kansas City Star iOS App

National Catholic Reporter

National Catholic Reporter is a bi-weekly publication in Kansas City owned by The National Catholic Reporter Publishing Company. The paper was established in 1964 by Robert Hoyt and it has since been covering news & updates related to the Catholic Church in Kansas City.

As per the readership survey of 2013 the paper had a bi-weekly circulation of 35,000 copies. Apart from the daily printed edition, the National Catholic Reporter also publishes an online news website with a dedicated section for news, politics, opinion, and more.

National Catholic Reporter Online

The Hutchinson News

The Hutchinson News is a daily newspaper in Kansas City serving the readers in the city of Hutchinson and its surroundings. The paper was established in 1872 and is currently owned by Gannet. Other than the printed edition, the paper also publishes a news website and an e-edition the access to which is restricted to paid subscribers.

The Hutchinson News Online

The Hutchinson News ePaper

The Hutchinson News Android App

The Hutchinson News iOS App

The Daily Union

The Daily Union is a newspaper in Kansas City that is published daily in Junction City. Established in 1861, it is one of the oldest newspapers in the state and it is currently owned by Seaton Publishing Co, Inc.

The Daily Union Online

The Daily Union ePaper

The Newton Kansan

The Newton Kansan is a daily newspaper that is available in both print and online and catering to the readers in Harvey County, including the cities of Newton, Burrton, Halstead, Hesston, North Newton and Sedgwick. The paper was established in 1872 and it is currently owned by Gannet.

The Newton Kansan Online

Dos Mundos

Dos Mundos is a weekly Spanish-English newspaper in Kansas City catering to the readers in the Kansas City Metropolitan area. The paper was established in 1981 and is currently owned by Clara and Manuel Reyes. Other than the printed edition, the paper also publishes a news website and also has an active social media presence.

Dos Mundos Online

Dos Mundos ePaper

Dodge City Daily Globe

Dodge City Daily Globe is a daily newspaper in Kansas City catering to the readers in Dodge city and its surroundings. The paper was established in 1878 as the Fort County Globe and is currently owned by Gannet. Other than the printed edition, the paper is available in both print & online.

Dodge City Daily Globe Online

Dodge City Daily Globe ePaper

Dodge City Daily Globe Android App

Dodge City Daily Globe iOS App

Garden City Telegram

Garden City Telegram is a daily newspaper in Garden City, Kansas City owned by Gannet. The paper was established in 1953 and it is now available in both print & online.

Garden City Telegram Online

Garden City Telegram ePaper

Garden City Telegram Android App

Garden City Telegram iOS App

Hillsboro Free Press

Hillsboro Free Press is a weekly newspaper in Hillsboro city in Kansas City that is available in both print & online. The paper also has an active social media presence and readers can follow their social media handles for prompt updates.

Hillsboro Free Press Online

Hillsboro Free Press ePaper

The Times-Sentinel

The Times-Sentinel is a weekly newspaper in Kansas City catering to the cities of Cheney, Clearwater, Garden Plain and Goddard. Other than the weekly printed edition, the paper also publishes a news website that is updated every day with the latest news and updates.

The Times-Sentinel Online

Hillsboro Star-Journal

Hillsboro Star-Journal is one of the two newspapers serving the cities of Hillsboro, Kansas, Lehigh, Durham. It is a weekly newspaper that is published on Wednesdays and owned by Hoch Publishing.

Hillsboro Star-Journal Online


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