Introduction to Michigan News Media.
Michigan is a US state located in the Great Lakes region with a population of 10 million. Lansing is the capital of Michigan, while Detroit is its largest city and the hub of the state media. Native American tribes have lived in Michigan for thousands of years, while French and Métis explorers joined the community in the 17th century.
Besides being the hub of the world’s traditional automotive, Detroit is also known for the media that covers business news. The media in Detroit is most active in the community, thanks to the high school journalism program provided by the Detroit Free Press and the Goodfellow Fund of Detroit by the Old Newsboys. Wayne State University is another university that is widely respected worldwide for its journalism program.
History of Michigan Newspapers
Rev. Father Gabriel Richard is the man credited for introducing the printing press to Michigan in 1809. The state’s first newspaper was The Michigan Essay also known as The Impartial Observer, printed by Jame M. Miller which first hit the newsstands on August 31. The newspaper also had a portion published in the French language. Like most of the earlier newspapers, The Michigan Essay was short-lived and only four issues of it were published.
The Detroit Gazette was Michigan’s second newspaper & it was published on July 25, 1817. The newspaper had three pages in English and one in the French language. After running successfully for 13 years, The Detroit Gazette was withdrawn from circulation on April 22, 1830.
The Michigan Herald was the third newspaper that was first published in Detroit in 1825. However, it also couldn’t survive for more than four years.
French Newspapers in Michigan
Gazette Francaise is the first French-language newspaper of Michigan. It rolled out the first issue in 1825. In the same year, Michigan also welcomed the Monroe-based Michigan Sentinel, the first paper publishing outside of Detroit.
Michigan Local News
Michigan Local News is an online news website catering to readers across Michigan. With 10 active newsrooms across the state, Michigan Local News covers all facets of local news, sports news, important national news, and more.
The online website of Michigan Local News has dedicated sections for news from Ann Arbor, Flint, Jackson, Kalamazoo, Bay city etc. They also have sections for the latest news, weather updates, sports, life & culture, business, obituaries, classifieds and more. While most contents on the website are available to the users for free, some contents are exclusive to paid subscribers.
Other than an active presence on the web, Michigan Local News also has an active presence on Facebook, Twitter & YouTube. Readers can choose to follow these pages for the latest news & updates.

Michigan Local News Android App
Bay City Times

Bay City Times is a tri-weekly newspaper published in Bay City; Michigan owned by Advance Magazine Publishers. The paper was established in 1873 and is one of the oldest newspapers in the state.
Edmund Kroencke, Griffin Lewis, and Thomas K. Harding established the paper in 1873. It was established as a weekly newspaper and was quick to gain popularity. Owing to which it was later converted to a daily newspaper. Bay City Times continued to be a daily newspaper until 2009 and was converted to a three times weekly newspaper.
What do they publish?
- A tri-weekly printed newspaper with an average weekly circulation of 18,400 copies (As of 2013). The paper is primarily focused on covering local news & updates from Bay City.
- A Sunday printed edition named The Saginaw News, with a circulation of 30,890 copies (As of 2013).
- An online news website that is updated frequently with the local news & updates from Bay City & important national news. The website has dedicated sections for the latest news, weather updates, sports, life & culture, business, obituaries, classifieds and more.
Other than a strong presence on the web, Bay City Times also has an active presence on Facebook & Twitter. Readers can also follow these social media handles for prompt updates.

Muskegon Chronicle

Muskegon Chronicle is a daily newspaper in Muskegon, owned by Advance Magazine Publishers. The paper was established in 1857 and has since been catering to the readers in Muskegon, Newaygo, Oceana, and Ottawa County.
Other than the daily printed edition, Muskegon Chronicle also publishes an online news website with sections for the latest news, weather updates, sports, life & culture, business, obituaries, classifieds and more. The paper also has an am active social media presence.

Muskegon Chronicle Android App
Kalamazoo Gazette

Kalamazoo Gazette is a daily newspaper in Michigan owned by the MLive media group. The paper was established in 1837 by John D. Defrees and the paper has since been catering to the residents of Kalamazoo county.
John D. Defrees established the paper in 1837 as the Michigan Statesman and St. Joseph Chronicle. The name was later shortened to the Michigan Statesman & then to the Kalamazoo Gazette in 1837.
What do they publish?
- A daily printed edition of the paper with a daily circulation of 27,000 copies and Sunday circulation of 32,000 copies (As of 2014).
- An online news website with dedicated sections for the latest news, weather updates, sports, life & culture, business, obituaries, classifieds and more.

Jackson Citizen Patriot

Jackson Citizen Patriot is a daily newspaper in Michigan covering news and updates from Jackson county in Michigan. The newspaper is owned by Advance Magazine Publishers, Inc and is operated by the Mlive media group. Apart from the daily printed edition, the paper also publishes an online news website with dedicated sections for the latest news, weather updates, sports, life & culture, business, obituaries, classifieds and more.

Jackson Citizen Patriot Online
Jackson Citizen Patriot Android App
Jackson Citizen Patriot iOS App
The Grand Rapids Press

The Grand Rapids Press is a daily newspaper in Michigan owned by Advance Local Media, LLC. The paper was established in 1890 and has since been catering to the residents of Grand Rapid with the latest local news & updates.
As said, the paper was established in 1890 by William J. Sproat. It was launched as The Morning Press and was later renamed to The Grand Rapids Press as seen today.
What do they publish?
- A daily printed edition of the paper that is circulated in the Grand Rapids region on Michigan covering the local/regional news & updates.
- An online news website with sections for the latest news, public interest, sports, etc.

The Grand Rapids Press Android App
The Grand Rapids Press iOS App
The Flint Journal

The Flint Journal is a quad-weekly newspaper in Michigan owned by Booth Newspapers. The paper was established in 1876 and it has since been catering to the readers of Genesee, Lapeer and Shiawassee Counties.
Charles Fellows and Washington Irving Beardsley established the newspaper as a weekly publication in 1876. The paper was quick to gain popularity and over the years it underwent a series of mergers and acquisitions until it was bought by Ralph H. Booth along with his brothers George and Edmund.
What do they publish?
- A quad-weekly printed edition of the newspaper with a circulation of 49,685 copies on Tuesdays, Thursday, & Friday. The Sunday special edition has a circulation of 66,662 copies.
- An online news website with dedicated sections for the latest news, flint local news, sports, arts & entertainment and more. While most contents on the website are available for free to users some contents are exclusive to paid subscribers.

The Ann Arbor News

The Ann Arbor News is a bi-weekly newspaper in Michigan owned by Advance Magazine Publishers, Inc. The paper was first established in 1835 and it continued to be in circulation until it was pulled out from circulation owing to a decline in revenues. It was re-established in 2013 as an online newspaper and continues to be so.

The Ann Arbor News Android App
Detroit Free Press

Detroit Free Press is a daily newspaper in Michigan owned by Gannet in partnership with Detroit Media. The paper was established in 1831 and has over the years grown to be the largest newspaper in the state. As of 2021, the paper is primarily circulated in Wayne, Oakland, Macomb, Livingston, Washtenaw, and Monroe counties.
The paper first hit the newsstands as the Democratic Free Press and Michigan Intelligencer. It was published by John R. Williams and, Joseph Campau. It was a weekly newspaper and the paper was quick to gain popularity. Owing to which it was converted to a daily newspaper in 1835 and was also renamed to Detroit Daily Free Press.
Over the years the paper has undergone a series of mergers and acquisitions until it was renamed the Detroit Free Press &Gannet acquired the paper.
What do they publish?
- A daily printed edition of the newspaper with a daily circulation of 234,579 copies & 639,350 copies on Sundays (As of 2018)
- An online news website with a dedicated section for news, headlines, latest news, sports, entertainment, obituaries, and more.
- An e-edition of the newspaper that can only be accessed by paid subscribers from the website.

Detroit Free Press Android App
The Detroit News

The Detroit News is a daily newspaper in Michigan owned by Digital First Media. The paper was established in 1873 and it today covers local news & updates from Detroit and Michigan.
As said, the paper was established in 1873 by James E. Scripps, as a weekly newspaper. It was son-in-law George Gough Booth who helped the paper gain popularity within a few years after launch. The Detroit News is a publication with many firsts in the history of Michigan newspapers.
They were the first newspaper to newspaper in the world to operate a radio station named 8MK which first went on air in 1920. The Detroit News was also the first newspaper to induct a Pitcairn PCA-2 auto-gyro as a camera aircraft.
What do they publish?
- A daily printed edition of the newspaper covering local news & updates from Detroit & Michigan. As per the readership survey of 2011, The Detroit News had a circulation of 141,668 copies.
- An online news website with dedicated sections for news, sports, business, opinion, entertainment, headlines, latest news, and more.
- An e-edition of the newspaper, the access to which is restricted to paid subscribers.

Crain’s Detroit Business
Crain’s Detroit Business is a publishing conglomerate in Michigan that was founded in 1916. As of 2021, the company publishes 9 major newspapers across Michigan catering to its business community viz;
- Crain’s Cleveland Business
A business newspaper catering to Cleveland’s business executives with local business news & updates.
- Crain’s Detroit Business
Crain’s Detroit Business is a business newspaper catering to the business community in southeast Michigan. The paper primarily covers health care, banking/finance, sports, manufacturing, government/public policy, technology, education, real estate, and more.
- Modern Healthcare
Modern Healthcare is a news magazine whose printed edition is published twice a month. As the names suggest, the paper is primarily focused on reporting news & updates on healthcare business news and trends.
- Advertising Age
Advertising Age is a weekly newspaper that is primarily circulated in New York City. Apart from the weekly printed edition, the paper also publishes an online news website, an e-edition, and more.
- Autoweek
Autoweek, as the name suggests is an auto enthusiast magazine that has been in circulation since 1986. The magazine primarily covers vehicle reviews, trends, new products, racing, personalities, auto show coverage and more.
- Automotive News
Automotive News is another prominent automobile magazine published by Crain’s Detroit Business. It is a weekly magazine covering international automotive news from China, Germany, and other European countries.
- Pensions & Investments
Pensions & Investments is an online news website catering to pension, portfolio, and investment management executives.
- Crain’s New York Business
As the name suggests, Crain’s New York Business is a business news publication catering to the business community in New York. It is a weekly publication primarily covering weekly issues, top stories, advertising and marketing, banking, economy, education, health care, and more.
- Crain’s Chicago Business
Crain’s Chicago Business is a weekly newspaper catering to the Business Community in Chicago with local business news & updates.

Crain’s Detroit Business Online
Metro Times

Metro Times is an alternative weekly newspaper published by Euclid Media Group. The paper was established in 1980 and has over the years grown to become the largest circulating weekly newspaper in the metro Detroit area. Ever since it was launched, Metro Times has remained a free publication supported entirely by advertisements.
Other than the weekly printed edition, Metre Times also publishes an online news website with dedicated sections for the latest news, headlines, music, arts & culture, advertisements & more. Unlike the weekly printed edition, the website is frequently updated with the latest news & updates.
Lansing State Journal
Lansing State Journal is a daily newspaper in Michigan owned by Gannet. The paper was established in 1855 by Henry Barnes as the Lansing Republican to propagate the ideologies of the newly formed Republican Party.
Henry Barnes sold the newspaper within a few weeks after launch to Herman E. Haskill and over the next 50 years, the paper underwent a series of mergers, acquisitions, and name changes until it merged with its rival Lansing Journal forming the Lansing State Journal in January 1911
Today, other than the printed edition, the paper also publishes an online news website & an e-edition.

Lansing State Journal Android App
The Oakland Press

The Oakland Press is a daily newspaper in Michigan owned by 21st Century Media catering to the readers in Oakland county. Though the paper as seen today was established only in 1972, its history can be traced back to 1843 when it was first established as The Pontiac Gazette.
Other than the daily printed edition of the newspaper, the paper also publishes an online news website with dedicated sections for local, national & international news, sports, business, entertainment, opinion, lifestyle, and more. Apart from these, they also publish an e-edition of the paper.

Petoskey News-Review

Petoskey News-Review is a daily newspaper in Michigan owned by Gannet. The paper was established in 1876 as the Petoskey City Record and has over the years undergone a series of mergers and acquisitions before being renamed the Petoskey News-Review. As of 2021, the paper is primarily focused on catering to the residents of Petoskey in Michigan.Also other than the daily printed edition, the paper also publishes an online news website.

Gaylord Herald Times

Gaylord Herald Times is a twice-weekly newspaper in Michigan catering to the readers in Gaylord. The paper was established in 1875 and is currently owned by Gannet. The printed edition of the paper is published on Wednesdays and Saturdays. Other than the twice-weekly printed edition, Gaylord Herald Times also publishes an online news website.

The Michigan Daily

The Michigan Daily is a Student newspaper published by the students at the University of Michigan. The paper was established in 1890 and is currently circulated 5 days a week during the Fall and Winter semesters.
Apart from the printed edition of the newspaper, The Michigan Daily also publishes an online news website with dedicated sections for news, sports, opinion, arts, statement, and more. They also have a strong presence on Facebook, Twitter & Instagram.

Traverse City Record-Eagle

Traverse City Record-Eagle is a daily newspaper in Michigan primarily catering to the residents of Northern Michigan & Grand Traverse County. The newspaper was established in 1858 as the Grand Traverse Herald which over the years underwent a series of mergers, acquisitions & name changes before becoming the Traverse City Record-Eagle.
As of 2021, the paper is owned by CNHI and has a strong presence on the web & social media platforms.

Traverse City Record-Eagle Online
Traverse City Record-Eagle ePaper
Traverse City Record-Eagle Android App
Traverse City Record-Eagle iOS App
Midland Daily News

Midland Daily News is a daily newspaper in Michigan catering to the residents of Midland county. Though the paper as seen today was established in 1937, its history can be traced back to 1858 when its predecessor Midland Sentinel was established. Over the years, the paper underwent a series of mergers and acquisitions before being the renamed Midland Daily News.
Other than the printed edition of the paper, Midland Daily News also publishes an online news website and an e-edition.

The Holland Sentinel

The Holland Sentinel is a daily newspaper in Michigan catering to the residents of Holland. The paper was established in 1896 as the Holland Daily Sentinel and was over the years renamed to The Holland Sentinel as seen today. As per the readership survey of 2015, The Holland Sentinel had a daily circulation of 10,500 copies and 17,000 copies on Sundays.
Other than the daily printed edition, they also publish an online news website & an e-edition.

The Holland Sentinel Android App
The Macomb Daily

The Macomb Daily is a daily newspaper in Michigan catering to the residents of Macomb County. Established in 1964 following the merger of the newspapers The Mt. Clemens Monitor Leader, The South Macomb News, and The Tri-City Progress today it is the only daily newspaper serving Macomb County.
Other than the daily printed edition, The Macomb Daily also publishes an online news website and an e-edition. While contents on the website are available for free, access to e-edition is restricted to paid subscribers.

Cadillac Evening News
Cadillac Evening News is an evening daily newspaper in Michigan that was established in 1872. Since its inception, the paper has been catering to the readers in Wexford, Osceola, Missaukee, and eastern Lake Counties.
Other than the daily printed edition, Cadillac Evening News also has a strong online presence. There are dedicated sections on the website for local news, sports, entertainment, community, obituaries, classifieds, and more.

Cadillac Evening News Android App
The Alpena News

The Alpena News is a daily newspaper in Michigan owned by Ogden Newspapers. The paper was established in 1899 by E.S. Meers as The Alpena Evening News and was later renamed to The Alpena News in 1914. The paper currently has a printed circulation of 10,000 (As of 2014) and is primarily circulated in the Alpena area.
Other than the printed edition, The Alpena News also has a strong presence on the web & social media.

Grand Rapids Business Journal

Grand Rapids Business Journal is a business newspaper in Michigan catering to the Grand Rapids region. Other than the printed newspaper, the paper also publishes an online news website.

Grand Rapids Business Journal Online
C & G Newspapers
C & G Newspapers is one of the largest media organization in Michigan publishing 19 non-daily newspapers.

The South End

The South End is a student newspaper published by the students at the Wayne State University in Michigan. The paper was established in 1967 and has since been covering news & updates from Wayne State’s campus and Midtown Detroit. It publishes a monthly printed edition and a weekly e-edition.

Washtenaw County Legal News
As the name suggests, Washtenaw County Legal News is a weekly newspaper covering legal news & updates from the court system of Washtenaw County. Other than the printed edition, the paper also publishes an online website & a weekly e-edition.

Washtenaw County Legal News Online
Washtenaw County Legal News ePaper
The News-Herald
The News-Herald is a bi-weekly newspaper catering to the readers in the Downriver suburbs of Detroit. The history of the paper can be traced back to 1879 when Rev. George W. Owen established the Wyandotte Herald. Over the years the paper underwent a series of mergers, acquisitions & name changes to become The News-Herald as seen today.

The Daily Telegram
The Daily Telegram as the name suggests is a daily newspaper in Michigan owned by Gannet. The paper was established in 1892 as the Evening Telegram and it currently caters to the readers in Lenawee County and southern Jackson County. Other than the daily printed edition, the paper also publishes an online news website & an e-edition.

The Times Herald
The Times Herald is a daily newspaper in Michigan owned by Gannet and catering to the readers in St. Clair County, Michigan and the Sanilac and Lapeer counties. Though the paper as seen today was established in 1970, its history dates back to 1869 and the founding of the Port Huron Times.
Today other than the daily printed edition, the paper also has a strong presence on the web & social media.

City Pulse
City Pulse is an alternative weekly in Michigan that was established in 2001. It is a local newspaper covering news & updates from the capital city of Michigan, Lansing. They also publish an online news website that is frequently updated with the latest news & updates, unlike their printed counterpart.

Home Town Life

Home Town Life is an online news website owned by The Observer & Eccentric Media. As the name suggests, the website is focused on covering news & updates from the most affluent suburbs in the Detroit metro area.

Battle Creek Enquirer
Battle Creek Enquirer is a daily newspaper in Michigan owned by Gannet catering to the residents in Calhoun County, Michigan and parts of four neighbouring counties. Other than the daily printed edition, Battle Creek Enquirer also has an active presence on the web & social media platforms.

Battle Creek Enquirer Android App
State News
State News is a student newspaper published by the students at Michigan State University. The paper was first established in 1909 as The Holcad and over the years was renamed State News. Being a student newspaper, the publication is primarily focussed on reporting news & updates from Michigan State University, East Lansing, Lansing, and surrounding communities.

The Herald-Palladium
The Herald-Palladium is a daily newspaper in Michigan catering to the residents in Berrien, Cass, Van Buren, and Allegan Counties. The history of the publication dates back to 1816 when it was established as the Herald-Press following the merger of two newspapers. Today other than the printed edition, they also publish an online news website.


Argus-Press is a daily newspaper in Michigan that was established in 1916 by the merger of two preceding papers: The Evening Argus and Press-American. Though the paper as seen today was established in 1916, its history can be traced back to 1854 and the paper has since been catering to the readers in Shiawassee County.

The Daily Mining Gazette

The Daily Mining Gazette is a daily newspaper in Michigan that was established in 1859. Since its inception, the paper has been catering to the residents of Houghton, Keweenaw, Baraga and Ontonagon counties. Today, other than the printed edition, the paper also publishes an online news website.

The Daily Mining Gazette Online
The Daily Mining Gazette ePaper
The Daily Mining Gazette Android App
The Daily Mining Gazette iOS App
West Michigan News
West Michigan News is a group of community newspapers wiz; Ludington Daily, Oceana’s Herald-Journal, & While Lake Beacon.

The Morning Sun
The Morning Sun is a weekly newspaper in Michigan catering to the readers in central Michigan. Other than the weekly printed edition, they also publish an online news website with dedicated sections for news, sports, business, entertainment, lifestyle, and more.

Grand Haven Tribune

Grand Haven Tribune is a daily newspaper in Michigan that primarily caters to the readers in the cities of Grand Haven, Spring Lake and Ferrysburg & Nunica, Fruitport, Crockery and Robinson Townships. The paper was established in 1885 and as of 2014 had a circulation of 8,813 copies.

Tri-County Times
Tri-County Times is a local newspaper in Michigan covering news & updates from Fenton, Linden and Holly, Michigan.
Detroit Jewish News
The Detroit Jewish News is a pro-Zionist newspaper that has been serving Metro Detroit’s Jewish community since 1942.
The Detroit Jewish News Online
The Detroit Jewish News ePaper
Michigan Chronicle
Michigan Chronicle is a daily newspaper in Detroit catering to the city’s African-American population with local & national news since 1936.
44. The Daily News
The Daily News, as the name suggests is a daily newspaper in Michigan catering to the readers in Iron Mountain Dickinson County.
Press & Guide
Press & Guide is a weekly newspaper in Michigan that has been catering to the readers in Dearborn and its surroundings since 1977.
Livingston County Daily Press & Argus
Livingston County Daily Press & Argus is a daily newspaper in Michigan catering to the readers in Livingston county since 1843.
Livingston County Daily Press & Argus Online
Livingston County Daily Press & Argus ePaper
The Daily News
The Daily News, as the name suggests is a daily newspaper in Michigan catering to the readers in Greenville & Montcalm County since 1854.
The Mining Journal
The Mining Journal is a daily newspaper in Michigan catering to the residents of Marquette & upper Michigan since 1841.
The Mining Journal Android App
The Monroe Evening News
As the name suggests, The Monroe Evening News is an evening daily in Michigan covering news & updates from Monroe and its surroundings since 1918.
The Monroe Evening News Online
The Monroe Evening News ePaper
The Monroe Evening News Android App
The Monroe Evening News iOS App
Huron Daily Tribune
Huron Daily Tribune is a daily newspaper in Michigan catering to the readers in Huron County.
Iosco County News-Herald
Iosco County News-Herald is a weekly newspaper in Michigan catering to the residents of Iosco County.
Iosco County News-Herald Online
Iosco County News-Herald ePaper
Mibiz is a business newspaper in Michigan catering to the residents in Grand Rapids, Kalamazoo, Battle Creek, Muskegon, Grand Haven, Spring Lake, Holland and Saugatuck.
Ionia Sentinel-Standard
Ionia Sentinel-Standard is a weekly newspaper in Michigan catering to the residents of Ionia County including the cities of Ionia, Belding and Portland, and the villages of Lake Odessa, Lyons, Muir, Hubbardston, Palo, Pewamo, Orleans, Clarksville and Saranac.
Ionia Sentinel-Standard Online
Ionia Sentinel-Standard ePaper
Ionia Sentinel-Standard Android App
Ionia Sentinel-Standard iOS App
Arab American News
Arab American News is a weekly bilingual newspaper in Michigan catering to the Arab community in the state.
Royal Oak Tribune
Royal Oak Tribune as the name suggests is a daily newspaper that has been primarily catering to the residents of Oakland County since 1902.
The Voice News
The Voice News is a group of 4 newspapers & a news website in Michigan serving the readers in northern Macomb and St. Clair counties.
The Daily Press
The Daily Press is a daily newspaper in Michigan that has been catering to the readers in Delta, Schoolcraft, and northern Menominee counties since 1909.
Northern Express
Northern Express is a weekly newspaper in northern Michigan that is circulated in 13 counties in the state.
Eastern Echo
Eastern Echo is a student newspaper in Michigan published by the students at the Eastern Michigan University in Ypsilanti.
The newspapers & news websites mentioned in this article are not the full list of news publications in Michigan. Instead, they are the top ones that are in circulation. As of 2021, there are about 244 newspapers & news websites in the state. Out of which The Detroit News is the largest newspaper in terms of circulation & Record-Eagle is the smallest.
Like the other newspaper in the US & outside the country, decline in circulation & a fall in revenue from advertisements is troubling most newspapers in the state. For instance, the largest newspaper in the state, The Detroit News once boasted a circulation of more than 600,000 copies has now lost almost 3/4th of its circulation. This is the same for the other newspapers in the county, with better internet penetration & availability of handheld devices, readers have switched to digital modes of consuming news content.
Among the newspapers, in the state, the most affected ones are the local & community newspapers that greatly relied on revenue from advertisements. The already limping industry took another serious blow with the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic which led to the revenues from advertisements hitting zero. The Munising News & Alger County Shopper are two such community newspapers that were forced to shut down in 2021.
While the Media industry knows no bounds, we at MediaBuzz are working hard to provide comprehensive coverage of all the news sources. We are a team of professional writers with a knack for the trends in the world of journalism.
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- What are the top three newspapers in Michigan?
- How well do you think the local newspapers are doing in Michigan?
- Did we miss any deserving newspaper or news website?
- Which is the best newspaper in Michigan for business, entertainment, and sports news?
- Do you have any other information for us related to newspapers in Michigan?
- Are there any newspapers in Michigan that went bankrupt?
- Which Newspaper do you read from the list?
- Are there any newspapers in Michigan that went fully digital?
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