Introduction to New Mexico News Media
New Mexico is a state in the Southwestern United States bordered by Texas to the east-southeast, Oklahoma to the northeast, and the Mexican states of Chihuahua to the south and Sonora to the southwest. With a population of 2,096,829 as of July 1, 2019, New Mexico is the 36th largest state by population and a significant market to more than 110 newspapers and news websites.
Though New Mexico was only admitted to the union in 1912, the history of press & media in the state dates back to 1539.
History of Press in Present Day New Mexico
As said, the history of press in New Mexico dates back to an era even before the Nuevo México kingdom (1598-1848). It was Juan Cromberger who established the first press in the present-day New Mexico city in 1539.
Though Juan Cromberger established the press in present day New-Mexico, it is widely considered to be the first press to be established in the United States. It is also important to note that it wasn’t until 1638, the first printing press in Massachusetts was to arrive from England.
First Press in New Mexico
Though Juan Cromberger’s press was established in 1539, it is not considered the first press by some because of its short life.
It was in July of 1834; Trader Josiah Gregg established the first press in the region. It was a wood and iron Ramage Press that was brought from St. Louis. For over a decade, it remained the sole press in the region.
Within a year after the arrival of the press, it was bought by Padre Antonio José Martínez, who was a priest & an educator. Martinez relocated the press to Taos, where it was used to print textbooks for his school and religious & political books.
Some of the early publications from the press includes, Ortografia de la lengua Castellana (1837), The Retorica (1836), and Leyes y axiomas del derecho traducidos de latin al castellano (1839).
First Newspaper in New Mexico – El Crepusculo de la Libertad
Within a year after the press was established in Taos, Padre Antonio José Martínez published the first newspaper. The paper was named the El Crepusculo de la Libertad, and it first hit the newsstands on November 29, 1835.
Like all early newspapers, El Crepusculo de la Libertad was short-lived. It is believed that the paper only published four editions before suspending its operations. The paper was published by a New Mexican lawyer Lic Antonio Barriero with a focus on promoting his candidacy for the Mexican Congress.
Early Newspapers in New Mexico
Padre Antonio José Martínez sold the Rampage press to the Mexican government in the 1840s. It was from this press, Le Verad (The Truth) and The Santa Fe Republican were published in 1844 and 1847, respectively.
The first English newspaper in New Mexico, The Santa Fe New Mexican, was published from the same press in 1847. Due to declining revenues, the paper was withdrawn from circulation in 1860 and resumed its operations in 1862.
As of 2020, there are more than 110 newspapers & news websites in New Mexico. This article will discuss some important information & details about the leading newspapers & news website in New Mexico.
If you are looking for complete information on US Newspapers, you can visit the article written by our US Media experts.
Albuquerque Journal

Albuquerque Journal is the largest daily newspaper in the state of New Mexico. The paper was first launched in 1880 under the title Golden Gate, and it was a weekly publication.
The Journal Publishing Company currently owns the paper, and as of 2013, the paper had a daily circulation of 96,825 copies and 116,826 copies on weekends.
Both the paper and its online news portal covers news & updates from the state and important international news. There are dedicated sections for news, sports, business, health, education, entertainment, and more on the website.
While most contents on the website are available to the users for free, some contents are exclusive to paid subscribers.

Albuquerque Journal Android App
Rio Rancho Observer

Rio Rancho Observer is a weekly local newspaper in Rio Rancho, New Mexico. Currently owned by The Journal Publishing Company, the has been paper catering to its readers in the city of Rio Rancho and Southern Sandoval County since the paper was first launched in 1973.
Apart from the weekly printed edition of the paper, they also host an online news website partnering with the Albuquerque Journal. Unlike the weekly printed edition, its online portal is frequently updated. There are dedicated sections on the website for news, sports, business, health, education, entertainment, and more.
The paper also publishes an e-edition that can only be accessed by paid subscribers from the paper’s official website.

KRQE is a VHF television station in Albuquerque, New Mexico, owned by Nexstar Media Group. The station was first launched in 1953 as KGGM-TV and had since been airing newscasts. As of 2020, the channel airs typically 8 hours of local news on weekdays and four hours on weekends.
Apart from the TV channel, KRQE also hosts an online news website. The website covers all facets of local news & updates from New Mexico and important news & updates from across the country. There are dedicated sections on the website for news, weather updates, sports, classifieds, trending, and more.
Every content on the website, including access to Live TV, is available to the users for free.

Santa Fe New Mexican

Santa Fe New Mexican is a daily newspaper published in the capital city of Santa Fe New Mexican. The paper was first published in 1849 and is the oldest newspaper in the entire west.
The printed edition of the paper and its online website covers local news, arts, and opinions from Santa Fe and Northern New Mexico.
Santa Fe New Mexican also publishes an e-edition that can be accessed by paid subscribers from its official website.

Santa Fe New Mexican Android App
Las Cruces Sun-News

Las Cruces Sun-News is a daily newspaper in Las Cruces, New Mexico. The paper was first launched in 1881 under the name Rio Grande Republican. The paper underwent a series of mergers and acquisitions before it was renamed Las Cruces Sun-News.
As of 2020, the paper is owned by Gannet. The printed & online edition of the paper covers news, sports, business, entertainment, and community news from Las Cruses.

Las Cruces Sun-News Android App
The Taos News

The Taos News is a weekly newspaper in New Mexico catering to the readers in Taos. The history of the paper can be traced back to the newspaper El Crepusculo that was published by Padre Martinez in 1835.
Apart from the weekly printed edition, The Taos News also hosts an online news website. Unlike the weekly printed edition, the website is frequently updated with the latest news and updates. They also publish an e-edition of the newspaper that can be accessed by paid subscribers from the website.

Santa Fe Reporter
Santa Fe Reporter is an alternative weekly newspaper published in New Mexico. Established in the year 1974, the paper and its online news website cover news and updates from Santa Fe and the other adjoining regions.
Other than the newspaper & the news website, Santa Fe Reporter also publishes two magazine-style supplements, the Annual Manual and Restaurant Guide.
As of 2020, the paper is owned by City of Roses Newspaper, Co, and has a circulation of 17,500 copies.

New Mexico Business Weekly

Albuquerque Business Weekly is the Albuquerque edition of the online business journal, Biz Journals. The online journal covers all facets of news & updates on the business sector concerning New Mexico.
Apart from the online news journal, they also publish a weekly e-edition. Paid subscribers can access the e-edition from the website.

New Mexico Business Weekly Online
New Mexico Business Weekly ePaper
Las Cruces Sun News
Las Cruses Sun News is a daily newspaper in Las Cruces, New Mexico. The paper was first launched in 1881 as the Rio Grande Republican. Over the years, the paper underwent a series of mergers and acquisitions until it was renamed Las Cruses Sun News.
As of 2020, the paper & its online edition are owned by Gannet.

Las Cruces Sun News Android App
Daily Lobo

Daily Lobo is a student newspaper published by the University of Mexico. The paper was first launched in 1898 as a monthly newspaper under the title The Mirage. Since it first hit the newsstands, it has undergone several name changes until it was renamed the New Mexico Lobo.
As of 2020, Daily Lobo is a daily newspaper covering news, sports, opinions, and more.

Los Alamos Daily Post
As the name suggests, the Los Alamos Daily Post is a daily newspaper in New Mexico. Founded in the year 2012, the paper currently covers news & updates from Los Alamos. Apart from the newspaper’s printed edition, they also host an online news website with dedicated sections for news, sports, business, opinion, classifieds, and more.

Ruidoso News

Ruidoso News is a bi-weekly newspaper in New Mexico. Since its inception in 1940, the paper has been catering to its readers in Ruidoso. Apart from the printed edition of the newspaper, Ruidoso news also hosts an online news website with dedicated sections for news, sports, entertainment, obituaries, and more.
They also publish an e-edition of the newspaper that can be accessed from the online news website.

Carlsbad Current-Argus

Carlsbad Current-Argus is a daily newspaper in New Mexico, catering to their readers in Carlsbad. The paper was established in 1953 by the merger of erstwhile newspapers Carlsbad Current and Carlsbad Argus.
Apart from the daily printed edition, they also host an online news website. While most contents on the website are available to the users for free, access to e-edition is restricted to paid subscribers.

Carlsbad Current-Argus Android App
Carlsbad Current-Argus iOS App
Roswell Daily Record
Rosewell Daily Record is a local daily newspaper in New Mexico, catering to its readers in Rosewell. Founded in 1891, the paper has been covering local news and updates from Rosewell.
The paper also hosts an online news website with dedicated sections for local news, sports, classifieds, headlines, and more.

Farmington Daily Times
Farmington Daily Times is a daily newspaper in New Mexico owned by Gannet. Both the paper and its online news portal primarily cover news and updates from northwest New Mexico and the Navajo Nation.
The paper’s online portal is regularly updated with the latest news and updates, breaking news, and more.

Farmington Daily Times Android App
Farmington Daily Times iOS App
Valencia County News-Bulletin

Valencia County News-Bulletin is a community newspaper in New Mexico that was first launched in 1910. Since its inception, the paper has been catering to its readers in Valencia County local news and updates, weather updates, and more.
Apart from the printed edition of the newspaper, they also host an online news website.

Valencia County News-Bulletin Online
Valencia County News-Bulletin ePaper
Rio Grande Sun

Rio Grande Sun is a locally owned and operated weekly newspaper in New Mexico. The paper was first launched in 1956 and had since been reporting news and updates from all over Rio Arriba County.
Apart from the printed edition of the newspaper, they also host an online news website. The paper also has an active presence on various social media platforms.

Alamogordo Daily News

Alamogordo Daily News is a daily newspaper in New Mexico owned by Gannet. Founded in 1896 as The Chief, the paper had undergone a series of mergers, acquisitions, and name changes before it was renamed to Alamogordo Daily News.
Both the printed edition of the paper and its online edition covers the latest news and updates from Otero county in New Mexico.

Alamogordo Daily News Android App
Las Vegas Optic
Las Vegas Optic is a Twice-Weekly newspaper in Las Vegas, New Mexico. The paper first hit the newsstands in 1879 as the Las Vegas Weekly Optic before being renamed to the Las Vegas Optic in 1908.
The printed edition of the paper and its online edition covers the latest news and updates from San Miguel County in New Mexico.

Deming Headlight
Deming Headlight is a weekly newspaper in Deming, New Mexico, owned by Gannet. The paper first hit the newsstands in 1880 and has since been known for their pro-democratic stance. Apart from the newspaper’s printed edition, they also publish an online news portal and an e-edition.
Paid subscribers can access the e-edition of the paper from its online website.

Artesia Daily Press
Artesia Daily Press is a daily newspaper in New Mexico catering to the readers in Artesia. The paper was first launched in 1954 and has since grown to become a prominent newspaper in Artesia. Apart from the printed edition of the paper, Artesia Daily Press also publishes an online news website.

Gallup Independent
Gallup Independent is a daily newspaper in Gallup, New Mexico, owned by the Gallup Independent Co. The paper first hit the newsstands in 1923 as a weekly newspaper. Over the years, the paper has undergone a series of mergers and format changes before becoming a daily newspaper.
As of 2020, both the newspaper and its online edition covers local news, sports, business, jobs, and community events.

Silver City Daily Press

Silver City Daily Press is a daily newspaper in New Mexico serving the Silver City region. The paper first hit the newsstands as the weekly Silver City Independent in 1896 before becoming a daily newspaper named the Silver City Daily Press in 1935.
Apart from the printed edition of the paper, they also host an online news website which users can access for free.

Silver City Daily Press & Independent Online
Silver City Daily Press & Independent ePaper
Hobbs News-Sun
Hobbs News-Sun is a daily newspaper in Hobbs, New Mexico. Since its inception in 1937, the paper has been covering news, sports, and other features of interest to readers in Lea County.
Apart from the paper’s printed edition, they also host an online news website with dedicated sections for news, law & court, e-edition, jobs, business, sports, and more.

The newspapers and news websites covered in this article are some of the prominent ones in New Mexico. As of 2020, there are about 45 printed newspapers in New Mexico and more than 70 online news websites. Out of these 45 newspapers, Albuquerque Journal is the largest newspaper in terms of circulation, and Hatch Citizen is the smallest.
Like the other states in the US, the newspaper industry in New Mexico is also struggling. With a rapid decline in circulation revenue and revenue from advertisements, most newspapers in New Mexico are struggling to keep their business afloat. The situation was aggravated when the Covid-19 pandemic further strained the already limping industry.
The rapid decline in revenue forced many newspapers in the state to wind up their operations. Los Alamos Monitor was one such newspaper that closed down its operations because of decline in circulation and revenue. While some newspapers had to cease their operations, others were either forced to merge or shift to digital mediums.
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- What are the top three newspapers in New Mexico?
- How well do you think the local newspapers are doing in New Mexico?
- Did we miss any deserving newspaper or news website?
- Which is the best newspaper in New Mexico for business, entertainment, and sports news?
- Do you have any other information for us related to newspapers in New Mexico?
- Are there any newspapers in New Mexico that went bankrupt?
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